GUI Beschreibung

QGIS Description

There are more Layers to the GUI of QGIS which arent visible. To open these click on View  Panels. To open more Toolbars you are able to open them by clicking on View  Toolbars

A different method is to right click on a grey bar in the toolbar area. Now you should be able to see both Panels and Toolbars.

Status bar

QGIS Status bar

From left to right:

  1. Coordinate: Show the coordinates your mouse is hovering over in the map window. The coordinates are in reference to the choosen Coordinate Reference System (CRS).

  2. Scale: Shows the scale on which the map is visible on the map view. The scale can be changed by either zooming in, zooming out or by selecting one of the predefined options in the dropdown

  3. Magnifier: By clicking on the lock lock you can enable the option to zoom in and out without altering the scale. The Default value is 100%.

  4. Rotation: Can be used to rotate the map clockwise.

  5. Rendering: Can be used to disable the rendering of the map temporarily.

  6. By clicking on the crs_icon the dialog for the selection of the Coordinate Reference System opens.

  7. By clicking the message bubble the log messages show up.

Log Messages

Menu and Toolbar

Navigation in the map view

Table 1. Navigation in the map view
Name Menu option Shortcut Description

Map pan

Pan Icon

Space, Page Up, Page Down or the Arrow Keys

Move the map

Pan map to selection

Pan Map to Selection

Pans the map to the selected element

Zoom in

Zoom in

Ctrl+Alt++ or mouse wheel

Zoom into the map

Zoom out

Zoom out

Ctrl+Alt+- or mouse wheel

Zoom out of the map

Zoom full

Zoom full


Zoom out to show the full map

Zoom to selection

Zoom to selection


Zoom to the selected element

Zoom to layer

Zoom to layer

Zoom to the selected layer

Zoom to native resolution

Zoom to native resolution

Zoom to the native resolution (100%)

Zoom last

Zoom last

Zoom to the last zoom

Zoom next

Zoom next

Zoom to the next

Project managment

Table 2. Project managment
Name Menu option Shortcut Description

New Project

New project


Create a new project

Open Project

Open project


Open an existing project Opens the Dialog to create a new print layout




Save the project

Save as…​

Save as…​


Save the project as…​



Open the project properties

New print layout

New print layout


Opens the Dialog to create a new print layout



Opens the search bar

Layer management

Table 3. Layer management
Name Menu option Shortcut Description

Data source manager

Data source manager


Add a new layer

New GeoPackage layer

New GeoPackage layer


Add a new GeoPackage Layer

Add vector layer

Add vector layer


Add a new vector layer

Add raster layer

Add vector layer


Add a new raster layer

Remove selected layer

Remove selected layer


Remove the selected layer

Toggle layers view


Toggle the layers view

Toggle browser view


Toggle the browser view

Table 4. Analysis Tools
Name Menu option Shortcut Description

Identify Features

Identify features


Identify features on the map view by clicking on them

Select feature

Select features

Select a features by area or single click

Select feature by value

Select features by value


Select features by value

Open Attribute table

Open Attribute table


Open the Attribute table

Open Attribute table with selected features only

Open Attribute table


Open the Attribute table with selected features only

Open Attribute table with visible features only

Open Attribute table


Open the Attribute table with visible feautres only

Advanced Tools

Table 5. Advanced Tools
Name Menu option Shortcut Description

Processing Toolbox

Processing Toolbox


Opens the Processing Toolbox

Python Console

Python Console


Opens the Python Console

For more shortcuts and information read the QGIS documentation

Additional questions? Contact the QGIS community!

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